Amasa Racing Team on REVV Racing: Reward Distribution Week 3, 20–26 December, 2021
Announcing distribution of week 3 of Amasa Racing Team rewards (week of 20–26 December, 2021). Congratulations to all participants on REVV Racing!
You can join the Amasa Racing Team by participating in any REVV Racing event using an Amasa-themed REVV Racing car NFT between December 6, 2021 and February 6, 2022. Rewards are 5,000 $AMAS per week, distributed to event participants proportionally according to race participation.
In our third week, 76 Amasa Racing Team drivers completed 744 tries, meaning a division of the total 5,000 AMAS reward to 6.72 AMAS per try. The distribution of tries per driver was as follows:
These rewards for week 3 will be distributed on Polygon soon. The full reward distribution to wallets is listed below in this article. We will continue to publish weekly distributions at the Amasa Medium page.
Congratulations to all drivers who are playing to earn with the Amasa Racing Team on REVV Racing. Best of luck to the next participants!
About REVV
REVV is the utility token that serves as the primary currency of purchase, utility, and action across all REVV Motorsport blockchain games by Animoca Brands. REVV is designed to enable true digital ownership of game assets, giving players freedom and control over their NFT in-game items across a growing metaverse of racing games. The games in the REVV Motorsport ecosystem include F1 Delta Time, MotoGP Ignition, Formula E: High Voltage, and REVV Racing.
REVV Racing
REVV Motorsport
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YouTube: What is REVV and how to get it in 3 easy steps.
About Amasa
Amasa’s mission is to empower people everywhere to capture and capitalise on the wealth building potential of micro income streams and DeFi. We are working to inspire mass adoption of Web 3.0 platforms that reward participants for their gaming, time, energy, attention, content, data and interactions.
We’re doing that by building the world’s first micro income stream investment app. The Amasa app will make micro income streams easy to capture, combine and access as a stabilised income, then amplify through user-selected DeFi investment options.
Combine. Stabilise. Amplify. All in the background of everyday life.
Get in touch:
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Amasa Racing Team Distribution — Full List
Wallet address / Tries / AMAS
0x312bB89E85A6D0d2e5b1281B01D77Eb3FEFA6C0c / 1 / 6.72
0x75D357dF17cBFA882f470D13e761f37d437C29ba / 1 / 6.72
0x881797A76cfed0CB4392bbF0689840Bb70eec290 / 1 / 6.72
0xA8518a2Ccdfe353844f2FB553B90D8e8a740B347 / 1 / 6.72
0xC000db09a04C6effC246009aB835d8f23486b95c / 1 / 6.72
0xd0E955790b1F635690f3AcdD3cAf72455CAf396a / 1 / 6.72
0xD312b32195A927D8a96c030Aa6a46E5355c3aa4D / 1 / 6.72
0x11EFed87E99066B07e9A629D9e83898999871A1d / 2 / 13.44
0x52db622a8fD4F8d568D9E4D61523f41453Be3670 / 2 / 13.44
0x5d5034E819F6f5C8773F82985B3743a6524f20EE / 2 / 13.44
0x6147eCD35B9992C336349D4edF06834513FbAC8b / 2 / 13.44
0xA033cEaC558745FF742818529D7d84F7D1EE55CD / 2 / 13.44
0xA461CcF65f972D8CC78B150420CA6521e647cf43 / 2 / 13.44
0xA62707F9a2E8A188C835Fd3911dd5d4380A7BD8D / 2 / 13.44
0xDEe4389716507804B383F05e47bf2CB0C50C94AD / 2 / 13.44
0xe5881fc5d1b5D75Df2B097DCb81b57a2c490e043 / 2 / 13.44
0x300bcab13859c3f27bdf1eF950748b8990c48C4b / 3 / 20.16
0x4Bb439E6cBB309b98b8549fC502b5B8382546e2B / 3 / 20.16
0x4E445FA8370D3e80C5aa0BA9b1a049ddbD435871 / 3 / 20.16
0x4F05a6E9e3412e297D84ad93793b15E42Bb075d1 / 3 / 20.16
0x5a36f13Bea7b561F1e9aa29d685DA78AD616055C / 3 / 20.16
0x6d9d65232Bc7b142fbc0493Ef31DA7ae7CA5387d / 3 / 20.16
0x73a13491c7c879b15bD33B1Cf65b2090104667d4 / 3 / 20.16
0x7ed064797eFC2D6034237aC12Ea4d5f9ce0f095D / 3 / 20.16
0x88ed4B44601480a7d98Cec45e0501aFB6475A746 / 3 / 20.16
0x8e49DdC3E0B76f2475BaEB26e969983dEE691e11 / 3 / 20.16
0xa7CB1255Cc82B4F1e7DC7Dfa346D955Cc40dFaAA / 3 / 20.16
0xa9eFf84eA632C079497a52D6A99E51BC6b61730b / 3 / 20.16
0xaf1F4B1c2C7c9c8eDfd41e328313392FFFffC5f1 / 3 / 20.16
0xb7cf457f9ad7EBD9691b1C330C4517C7E88D8E99 / 3 / 20.16
0xbc683bA4d5B666cF60e3D2AEF25F04DdcA626dF0 / 3 / 20.16
0xcc166Df4e77d68E665Cbf9A0B675F13ccd97eD69 / 3 / 20.16
0xE071b994B4de910A465D1b2896b8c475C79fa279 / 3 / 20.16
0xeA5127e39322dAF3F2CB7b0247447CA91546E9cf / 3 / 20.16
0xEE1f34d6a43977Fcd99641A62d76400E0d0770b2 / 3 / 20.16
0x35B318886beEDd05FD33456C7925Efe06800897B / 4 / 26.88
0x6a4A27A315CB229121231B8A7Bf213BB8ad259C6 / 4 / 26.88
0x996C0FFbAE125E5B930e5e898cB1682cbD46F507 / 4 / 26.88
0x9986Af883723E1359278DaeBCF652a7115C97AcE / 4 / 26.88
0xb649C3DB0ef5a44955581BD0fA1516Bb4F2Ea0dD / 4 / 26.88
0xD3f42B4A53078cb717a9c510E7C62d9bf5610754 / 4 / 26.88
0xDB0E7EF2970af93DFf5864ef49ec933582DAEe29 / 4 / 26.88
0xf7e74A9A394226058E14bFc17DEAfDb76EEbbB25 / 4 / 26.88
0x0E35C920149d8da825E9160C67A6057B8c0003A7 / 5 / 33.60
0x089e3C1451cC7c4F7C5E0cA69bf0000489527960 / 6 / 40.32
0x2cA35b34D9734af4f73BBF362fB225DE78467823 / 6 / 40.32
0x33870D92c44cCC0fea1645FD823D0F8C98C3E480 / 6 / 40.32
0x33931168Bdb42e35a9F83609c0091514C999F078 / 6 / 40.32
0x3F49e46196d3cb320268497938d39746e4f71B3D / 6 / 40.32
0x712C4ad4AfFeb3833E3f6e9b37f4B07b12aa1f8e / 6 / 40.32
0x7646CFc093702700Fb4D1C05123667101093fc09 / 6 / 40.32
0xE1686e49B6CdBc11A974d70cC2777b85cb07F3A3 / 6 / 40.32
0xfCdb29008fab2368ef35E0cf55A2AaA360e04f56 / 6 / 40.32
0x1061F871b8b510B1b9d0d96D528B9AfD6bc7BE48 / 7 / 47.04
0x2B051f34db329d72a0f4CF180A2dce1129E8Ef02 / 7 / 47.04
0x921Be6AdbFD7f37734AB04F1cc926EFCe765e35c / 7 / 47.04
0xf1248F197f43F9C5b6ea7955694D545032df3333 / 7 / 47.04
0x28cBebde0fFc0Bb43eeF18A85F628f7071963712 / 8 / 53.76
0xE86CDFcA9DDaf840010972Bb8e1Cbb20aAD780F7 / 8 / 53.76
0x5ca827F33F1b25fA78f7791697511903766766Ab / 11 / 73.92
0x3e4F6b186049F8f95c698cE69176244F82ad502B / 12 / 80.65
0x5C7e0AD50E3d43A4c6D13038616339d44C26EB8a / 13 / 87.37
0x61e3ceF3bC04e141eA2A03a62CD9293D16c82344 / 13 / 87.37
0x706Ef3B9616F77CfcE9eCA3b0dD9287b0Ff925b2 / 13 / 87.37
0xe282aF9c864C2b45a854030b9DaA1C3F39F2C467 / 14 / 94.09
0x44a9F89a67F5fC14761D1Bf43A387124dC1bEBA7 / 15 / 100.81
0x31c9eB2330130DFD09cF6d0512D4aC331dEB2cC3 / 17 / 114.25
0xcd107ECa2e99Aac18a6BCc830c07C703DC5044D4 / 22 / 147.85
0x67EC740306Ba0bCA07F0F43C989731A89a5dfDA2 / 25 / 168.01
0xC643930ddb2076fCb1Be9EE293f6b84f25d72661 / 32 / 215.05
0x520E6112a1a55EcC8eb34F4C3a5aAE23D9244C8C / 37 / 248.66
0x6fc4d12Ad6DE424dcCc2A49e465Ee5b580B39195 / 43 / 288.98
0x7cA31575684DA03DaB35470A560ebDcfE6B9b746 / 43 / 288.98
0xE0F3b345A188E774A14114852787A9C4A9A6DC6a / 54 / 362.90
0x22c52D3b0396305d29a937234182efFbCb245695 / 80 / 537.63
0x8FDf284Ef410Dd9E28d941AbF5750C3926Dccd44 / 83 / 557.80