Amasa to Launch New AMAS Staking Pools

6 min readOct 28, 2021


Updated Tuesday, November 3 with ‘how to stake’ walkthroughs and staking portal address

The much-anticipated AMAS staking program is finally here! Amasa is thrilled to announce two new staking pools, which will make our platform’s native AMAS token all the more rewarding for community members.

The AMAS staking pools are designed to offer strong incentives for both our existing community and newcomers, and represent a new opportunity to utilize AMAS in Amasa’s growing ecosystem.

Amasa will be releasing two staking pools:

  1. AMAS single asset staking pool (60 days, locked)
  2. AMAS:ETH liquidity pool (LP) staking (2,000,000 AMAS tokens rewarded over 90 days, unlocked).

The staking pools will open on Wednesday, November 3, with the AMAS single asset staking pool being open for five days.

The AMAS staking portal is live at

Read on for more details and ‘how to stake’ walkthroughs for single asset staking and liquidity pool staking.

1. AMAS Single Asset Staking Pool

The AMAS single asset staking pool will offer users an attractive 122% APY for staking the AMAS token for a locked period of 60 days.

The single asset staking pool will be open to entry for five days, from Wednesday, November 3 at 06:00 AM UTC to Monday, November 8 at 05:59 AM UTC. Users will be able to enter the pool at the Amasa staking portal.

See the walkthrough below for how to stake in the single asset pool.

2. AMAS:ETH Liquidity Pool Staking

AMAS:ETH LP token staking will offer the community 2,000,000 AMAS tokens over 90 days starting Wednesday, November 3 at approximately 06:00 AM UTC.

To participate in LP staking, users need to provide liquidity to the AMAS:ETH Uniswap v2 pool during the 90-day pool period. Liquidity providers will be rewarded with LP tokens that can then be staked at the Amasa staking portal. AMAS token rewards will be distributed at each ETH block proportional to the LP tokens being staked by ERC-20 wallet addresses at that time.

See the walkthrough below for how to stake and harvest your rewards in the Uniswap v2 liquidity pool.

How to Stake: Single Asset Staking Pool

1. Visit the Amasa staking portal

2. Click on the ‘STAKE NOW’ button in the panel on the left

3. Select the token amount that you want to stake (hit ‘Max’ to stake all) and click on ‘Approve’ in the popup dialogue to allow the staking contract to transfer the token from your wallet

4. Click ‘Yes’ in the additional popup to confirm the staking contract can transfer your tokens

5. Confirm transaction approval on MetaMask

6. Click the ‘Stake’ button to confirm staking of your chosen token amount

7. Confirm the staking transaction on MetaMask

8. You have successfully staked your $AMAS at 122% APY!

How to Stake: AMAS:ETH Liquidity Pool on Uniswap v2

1. First, you need to provide liquidity to the AMAS:ETH pool on Uniswap v2, for which you will receive LP tokens.

For more information on what LP tokens are and how to add liquidity to Uniswap, please see this article. The AMAS:ETH trading pair is listed at

2. Visit the Amasa staking portal

3. Click on the ‘STAKE NOW’ button in the panel on the right and wait for your LP token balance to load

4. Select the token amount that you want to stake (hit ‘Max’ to stake all) and click on ‘Approve’ in the popup dialogue

5. Confirm transaction approval on MetaMask

6. Click ‘Stake’ in the popup dialogue

7. Confirm the staking transaction on MetaMask

8. You are now staking your liquidity pool tokens!

How to Harvest your Rewards: AMAS:ETH Liquidity Pool on Uniswap v2

1. Visit the Amasa staking portal

2. Click on ‘HARVEST’ in the panel on the right

3. A Metamask confirmation dialogue will appear. Click on ‘confirm’.

4. Wait for confirmation to process

5. Once processed, you have successfully claimed your accumulated LP staking rewards!

What is AMAS?

AMAS is a governance token. Token holders will be able to participate in community governance by initiating proposals and voting on new developments such as:

  • Integration with new Web 3.0 micro income applications
  • New DeFi protocol integrations
  • Implementation of new features that create value for the community.

The addition of new rewards and value-add features will be driven by the community. In the future, such additions could include rewards for activities like adding new income streams to your Amasa app or other user interactions.

The upcoming staking pools are another example of how the AMAS token will reward the community growing alongside Amasa.

The maximum AMAS supply is 200,000,000, with a 8.02% initial circulating supply at time of listing in early October 2021. You can read more about AMAS and see the full AMAS allocation and release schedule here.

About Amasa

Amasa’s mission is to empower people everywhere to capture and capitalise on the wealth-building potential of micro income streams and DeFi. We are working to inspire mass adoption of Web 3.0 platforms that reward participants for their gaming, time, energy, attention, content, data and interactions.

We’re doing that by building the world’s first micro income stream investment app. The Amasa app will make micro income streams easy to capture, combine and access as a stabilised income, then amplify through user-selected DeFi investment options.

Combine. Stabilise. Amplify. All in the background of everyday life.

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Our driving purpose is to help people improve their financial position, by amplifying the value of micro income streams. Be a producer, not a product.